Volunteer Opportunities
Our employees have the option of attending various work experience programs at the following locations:

Norshel has a volunteer work placement at Block Buster. Our employees perform the regular duties of a permanent staff. They check in the movies, organize and stock shelves, light maintenance, customer service etc. We attend Block Buster 4 days a week.

Giant Tiger
Norshel has a work placement at Giant Tiger. We volunteer 2 days a week. The participants stock shelves and prep items for sale in the store. This could involve pricing, unpacking, and organizing their products for sale in the store.

Meals On Wheels
Norshel volunteers 3 days a week with Meals on Wheels. 15 of our participants are involved. We deliver meals to shut ins and seniors in the city.

Victoria Hospital
Norshel volunteers weekly at The Victoria General Hospital. We deliver the library cart throughout the hospital. The participant must first stock the cart with reading material and then bring the cart around to the patients in their hospital rooms.

World Vision
As a non profit organization for person with disabilities every Wednesday we volunteer at world vision for approx 1-2 hours. We walk over from our location looking forward to assisting with office duties at World Vision.
Our clients enjoy completing every task that is asked of them. We feel very welcome and enjoy the benefit from helping/volunteering. One client stated she likes “helping the poor and unfortunate”.
Recently Norshel did a fundraiser in which funds were raised. Monies raised were presented to World Vision to provide Medical Supplies, a fish pond and roosters and hens for families in need. When our seven clients presented the monies raised they were so proud and honored to be helping. One client was quoted saying “families will be so happy”, another said he “is grateful for helping families”.
As clients complete tasks asked of them by world vision, you hear them chatter amongst themselves saying things like “people are so happy we’re helping” and “we hope others will help too”.
We are so grateful for World Vision Winnipeg for allowing us the opportunity to volunteer with their organization.